PLB Buyer's Series
What should you look out for when buying a home in Singapore? Other than making the home look presentable, there’s many other aspects that you may overlook, especially if you’re looking to make your first home purchase, or your first investment. Gain insights into the property landscape with us, as we share tips and don’ts, ranging from HDBs to various private properties.

How Long Do You Need to Save your First Downpayment - just graduated from University?| NOTG Ep8
Whether you’re single, newly engaged, recently graduated or have been working for a couple of years, how much downpayment do you require before you make your first property purchase? How do banks assess your loan eligibility and loan tenure? What is the cash or CPF outlay you’ll require to purchase a $1M property in your late 20s or early 30s?
PLB Buyer's Series
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