PLB Methodology Archives - Insights by PropertyLimBrothers Mon, 15 Jul 2024 07:41:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 PLB Methodology Archives - Insights by PropertyLimBrothers 32 32 Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers? Mon, 15 Jul 2024 03:30:29 +0000 Is a Home Tour necessary?  I think this is a very important question. If home tours are not good, not useful, or not effective, we would not have done more than 1,361 PropertyLimBrothers Signature Home Tours from 2020 till date (and counting) for our clients to sell their properties as one of the key elements […]

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Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers in Singapore?

Is a Home Tour necessary? 

I think this is a very important question.

If home tours are not good, not useful, or not effective, we would not have done more than 1,361 PropertyLimBrothers Signature Home Tours from 2020 till date (and counting) for our clients to sell their properties as one of the key elements in the entire spectrum of the marketing campaign.

So the key question perhaps is this: “If I am someone planning to sell my property today, can I still sell a home by purely posting it on property portals?” Of course, the answer is YES, I can.

But that leads us to the next few questions.

  1. Will this method ALONE, by leaving my photos on the property portals, be able to help realise or fulfil the maximum potential and value of this property? 
  1. Could I have actually done something that allows me to say that I have done my best to eventually sell it to a genuine buyer who really appreciates the true value of the property?
  1. Did all the buyers out there actually know the true plus points and key factors of this property? And does everyone out there know that this property is for sale?

Let’s explore.

Distinct Characteristics Of A Property When Put Into The Market

When it comes to selling a property, what are we looking at? Selling a property is like launching a product in the market. But it’s a huge tangible product that cannot move. I cannot bring it to the customers, it’s fixed in a specific location. Customers need to take the time and effort to travel down to view this physical property. It’s unlike a product that I can easily carry with me to show my customers.

And because it’s such a huge asset, it’s also a very expensive and important asset to a buyer, because they are going to live in it. They have to take out a mortgage loan to buy it and they have to pay for it for years or even decades to service the mortgage. Thus, to launch this product and market it to its fullest potential requires a lot of effort and pre-planning to effectively find the right buyer that will fall in love with it.

The Rise of Portals… Thankful For That!

When I started doing real estate 14 years ago, my seniors showed me that the only way to market a property is to call their existing clients to promote a property over the phone or to advertise it in the newspaper.

And then 12 years ago, the invention of property portals came about with the rise of the internet. My seniors at that time did not believe in the property portals, but I used it with an open mind and started selling properties on the portals – and it was super effective. I could post the property online and buyers loved it because they get to see more photos from the comfort of their homes on their computer and laptops. But today, if I were to just depend on property portals to sell a property, it would be unfair to say that I have put in my best effort to fully realise the potential of the property to potential buyers.

Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers in Singapore?  property portals

Why? Because the majority of our attention has shifted and it’s different now in today’s context. What do you carry in your hands and in your pockets? How much time do you spend looking at your smartphone in a day? Our attention is now on our phones. And not only that, our attention is on social media today. To sell a property now requires a few elements when it comes to marketing the property. 

Simply said, if I were to take a few photos and put it on the property portals, can the property still sell? Yes, eventually. Probably yes, but in many cases, I wouldn’t be able to sleep well at night knowing that I have not maxed out the full potential of this property in terms of getting the right buyer, sold at the right price and right timeframe by just leaving it on the portals and waiting for a buyer to hopefully see my property out of all the listings and choices on the portals.

Take a look at how many properties are listed on the portals. Probably tens of thousands listings on a single portal. Don’t get me wrong, we love the way the portals have come into the market. They made our lives easier with nice filters and search functions, and allowed the market to be transparent. And we love it, we still use it to a great extent to help our clients today. But what we think is that depending on it alone is too passive. Why? Let us explore the buyer’s journey. 

The Buyer’s Journey on Portals Alone

The buyer’s journey is one where they have to sieve through the listings by keying in and filtering the listings based on their location, budget, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, specific criteria of freehold or 99-year leasehold, and also project names, schools, etc.

As a buyer, I have to sort out my selection on the portals based on my criteria. Secondly, I have to look at all the choices and scroll through the information by looking at the photos alone. How much information can I derive from just photos and descriptions alone? Probably enough for me to decide if I want to spend my time and effort to go down to have a look at the place. But probably not enough to learn the hidden qualities, plus points, advantages or unique points about this property – I simply cannot visualise all these just by looking at the photos. There are probably other blind spots that I cannot see as well. There could be beautiful plus points about the location and upcoming developments, features of the layout, possibilities of what I can do to the interior if I spent a bit of money on renovation. It’s also possible that I am missing out on other properties that are not within my criteria but I might like them if I had a chance to understand more about the property.

For example, back in 2020, we sold a super rare 2.5-storey strata house at Gambier Court. It was a 2,561 sqft strata house located in one of the most popular areas in Singapore. Not only would you get so much space for just over $3M in district 9, it also comes with a rich history. But a lot of people didn’t even know this property was for sale. And those who knew and came to view the place before failed to understand and appreciate why this place is so special.

The property had been in the market for over 2 years with multiple agents marketing it. When the owner approached us to take over the marketing, we immediately started thinking about potential buyers for this house. Who would love to live in this home with its rich Peranankan influence and history? We then crafted our Signature Home Tour to look for this specific buyer and bring out the historical element, the taste and character of the home in the process. We illustrated the plus points, the unique features, and the benefits to let the audience visualise staying in this house. 

Eventually, a buyer saw our video on social media and came to look at the property with their broker. They fell in love with it and eventually bought the place. This property was sold in 3 months after rebranding, creating the content, and running through our marketing campaign. Of course, the deal wasn’t possible with just the home tour. What comes after that is as important as the content itself, but let’s talk about that later.

The New Problem: The Waiting Game

If you were to use the traditional marketing method of posting static photos on the portals only, we would term this approach as a waiting game, or the “wait and see” approach. This is essentially waiting for buyers to react, waiting for them to search for your property based on their criteria.

If we were to take a creative approach in the marketing instead, we would first need to understand and reverse engineer based on experience: Who are the probable buyer audience that will fall in love with the property? What would make them fall in love with the property? We will then commence to conceptualise unique content and craft a story for the property, to rebrand it.

Developers Put In Max Effort To Sell… Why Not We?

In Singapore, close to 50% of transactions (estimated per month) in the private property market per month goes to new launches. There are more resale properties for sale now than new launches, but why are buyers flocking to new launches even though the unit sizes are getting smaller as land cost inevitably gets costlier due to increased land price, construction cost, inflation, etc?

That is because Singaporeans and buyers love new products. We love the newness effect. We love new things. It feels good that something is brand new from the developer, nobody has used it. It is brand new and it belongs to me.

If developers are taking so much effort to beautify their showflats and stage it up with nice furniture to draw attention and to help buyers visualise staying in it even though the furniture will eventually not be provisioned in the actual property, why should we not be doing the same when we want to sell a home today?

Thus, if we want to draw attention to a property in the resale market, we need to firstly stand out from the other resale properties. Secondly, we need to stand out from new launches as buyers will inevitably contemplate between a resale or new launch property. If it’s a buyer that is specifically looking at resale, then the rebranding and property marketing of a good campaign will help it to stand out from the rest of the resale competition.

8 Reasons Why We Think Home Tours Help A Property Sell Better

So back to the question: can a home tour help the property to sell better?

1. It creates a story effect

Yes, definitely. Firstly, because it creates a story for the property by illustrating and showcasing the plus points into compelling content by way of an engaging home tour video.

Static photos might be able to tell a story as well. But left by itself without any narration, the story cannot be told and no one knows or understands the hidden qualities, the plus points, the beauty behind the photo.

There was this story in a book I read by Paul Smith, where he and his wife saw a photo of a pig under water in a gallery. Little did he know that there was a rich story behind this simple photo. The artist explained to him that the pigs on this island all know how to swim because in the past, a restaurant owner would dispose of leftover food near the shore and the pigs all learned to swim in order to get to the food. Paul and his wife instantly bought the photo after learning about the interesting story behind the photo.

Similarly, when it comes to selling a property today, how can we leave the story untold and leave selling a property to chance? Yes, I also hope that I can just sell a property well today and sell it to its fullest potential by doing the minimum. When I started my real estate career, I used newspaper ads and then a combination of newspaper ads and property portals. And for a good 10 years, I felt that the way we sold properties in Singapore was really boring. So when we started producing home tours with a narration and presenter element in 2016, I could instantly feel the difference in the results it brings. And it makes real estate exciting for both buyers and sellers.

2. We bring the home to buyers, not wait for buyers to find the home

When the content is created, it gives us liberty and freedom to bring the property to everyone’s smartphones.

Previously, we talked about the fact that property is an immovable product. But we have made it movable because of the content that we have crafted and delivered to everyone’s smartphones. It benefits the buyers to be able to see, visualise, and interact with it. And they can then decide if they want to come and view the physical space. 

Based on the stats that we have tabulated over the years, the number of people coming for physical viewings after we have invested in social media marketing and also on property portals have increased significantly. 70% of the people that came to view the physical properties were attracted by the video content after chancing upon it while browsing social media. And 30% of the people that came, found the property through portals. This approach has helped our sellers tremendously, which was why and how we sold 1,275 properties from 2018 to 2023.

Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers in Singapore? We bring the home to buyers, not wait for buyers to find the home liberty and freedom to bring the property to everyone’s smartphones.

This creates what we call an Active Campaign or an Aggressive Campaign, where we take action to create more eyeballs for the property, bringing the property to the people instead of waiting around for them to find us on the portals. We can decide how much to spend on specific platforms on social media, and this creates so much more probabilities. That is why we put in so much effort and time to continuously create content on our YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook accounts because we are in real estate for the long term. We love real estate, and we want to change the way properties are being marketed in Singapore. This is a crazy vision we have and we are excited about the real estate scene here. By creating channels that post consistent high-quality content, the audience’s trust in us will continue to grow. And whenever a property or new listing is launched, it generates more interest and shareability from our channels compared to other channels.

3. Home tours expand possibilities and increase buyer pool

When the audience sees our videos, they get to expand their possibilities and considerations after watching the home tour compared to the previous approach where they search for properties based on a fixed set of criteria.

For example, a buyer could be fixated and only looking at freehold properties. But after looking at a specific home tour, they could come to realise that this specific 99-year leasehold property has so many plus points and intangible benefits that the freehold ones cannot offer. And so because of the home tour, their possibilities have now expanded.

4. It puts the property in its best light

When a buyer sees a home tour video, a feel-good factor is created. We buy properties for own-stay and family needs based on several sets of criteria. But as human beings, aside from logical factors, our 5 senses and emotions also come into play especially for an own-stay property. We want to be able to feel good about buying something. Something has to click when we walk into a place we possibly want to call home.

And a home tour puts a property in its best light. To launch a home tour, there is a lot of work involved behind the scenes. Together with our sellers, we spend a lot of time and effort to declutter, to pack, to stage, and spruce up the place to create the same effect as walking into a showflat. Because we believe that every property has its best potential and it’s our responsibility to help show it so that it’s a win-win for both sellers and buyers. It is only fair to showcase a product in its best innate potential and not let little things, a cluttered room or toys scattered around the place for example, affect our vision or impression of the property.

Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers in Singapore?
It puts the property in its best light

5. It brings more genuine buyers and not shoppers

How many times have we started selling a home and then a buyer shows up with comments like, “I didn’t know that this unit only has 3 bedrooms,” or “I didn’t know that this is a low floor unit,” or “I didn’t know this unit doesn’t come with a storeroom.” It’s frustrating to the seller and it wastes everyone’s time and effort.

A home tour illustrates the home and if done properly, it’s an art by itself to showcase the story and essential information of the property. It allows the buyer to be clear if the property is possibly suitable for their family and viewings become qualified.

6. It makes buying a home experiential and creates emotional appeal

Home tours are fun and interesting. We love doing them, we love talking about real estate, we love showcasing homes. And because it’s fun, we want to bring this joy to our audience as well. Because owning a home is exciting. Families are created, parents build precious memories with their kids, it’s a place where we can retreat to and feel safe after a long day at work. It’s a place where we share happiness and sorrow. It’s a place filled with wonderful memories. And we love creating home tours. It is our passion as creative marketers in real estate.

7. Problems are brought up and solved within the home tour, reduces objections from buyers

Although the home tours are meant to put the property in its best light, we also do not downplay the potential obstacles and flaws. In fact, we make it a point to anticipate and address these potential concerns that buyers may have, and propose possible solutions within the home tour video. This reduces objections from buyers, as they are not caught by surprise. If the buyer continues to show interest in the property even after the potential obstacles are addressed, it means that these concerns are likely not deal breakers for them.  

8. A home tour is a FIRST viewing, the physical viewing is the SECOND viewing

That brings us to the last reason. Our home tour videos include comprehensive details and in-depth analysis of the property, equipping potential buyers with all the necessary information to make informed decisions. The home tour video serves as a first viewing for the buyers, and to us, it serves as the first layer of vetting and filtering for qualified buyers. When they take time and effort to come down for a physical viewing, they are already aware of the pros and cons, it is a second viewing to have a physical feel of the space. This approach increases the likelihood of genuine buyers, increasing the likelihood of genuine offers, and speedier deals.

Why Are Home Tour Videos Beneficial For Home Sellers in Singapore?
A home tour is a FIRST viewing, the physical viewing is the SECOND viewing

In Conclusion

Is a home tour necessary when it comes to selling a property today? Our answer is YES. It is not only necessary, it is extremely beneficial. BUT, it will be necessary and beneficial only IF the following components are met after the home tour video is created:

  1. The video is represented on a channel that has proven results and has an existing trusted audience so that the organic reach is strong in terms of shareability and viewership.
  1. Marketing dollars have to be spent to continuously distribute the video content to the right audience by an experienced marketing team so that there are enough eyeballs and attention on the property content. And this has to be done until the property is successfully sold.
  1. The video has to be engaging and entertaining as well. This is an important element for the video content to catch eyeballs and attention. And to be engaging and entertaining, the focus has to be on the home itself. The home is the star of the video and the presenter’s job is to bring the attention of the audience to the property’s plus points and unique features. The main goal is to drive actual physical viewership to the property and to get it sold.

So if the 3 key factors are achieved, then YES, a home tour is extremely useful and necessary in selling a home today by PropertyLimBrothers’ standards.

Final Word on Property Portals and PropertyLimBrothers’ Signature Home Tour Videos

At PropertyLimBrothers, we still use all the major property portals, and we are great partners with our portal providers.

Our methodology is to use tools that have proven themselves to be effective and efficient for our clients. Our focus is to always ask ourselves what can help our clients’ properties stand out and what creates uniqueness for that property we are marketing. And when those questions are set as the focus, I think the answer will be clear.

For now, property portals are one of the 20 tools that we use for our clients in the marketing campaign. Similarly, our Signature Home Tour Videos is also one but a very major part of our 20 tools in the marketing campaign.

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Mastering Real Estate Success: The Art of Effective Communication and Data Analysis Wed, 15 May 2024 09:07:09 +0000 In the world of real estate, success often hinges on more than just a steadfast attitude and strong communication skills—it’s practically a necessity. This success story is a testament to that truth, especially when navigating the complexities of property transactions, whether representing buyers or sellers. Closing a property deal is rarely straightforward, typically involving a […]

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In the world of real estate, success often hinges on more than just a steadfast attitude and strong communication skills—it’s practically a necessity. This success story is a testament to that truth, especially when navigating the complexities of property transactions, whether representing buyers or sellers.

Closing a property deal is rarely straightforward, typically involving a range of stakeholders at once. From legal representatives and interior designers to property management teams and appraisers, the list goes on. Effective collaboration with each stakeholder demands skilled communication and considerable patience. Moreover, it requires diligent number-crunching to ensure our clients understand whether a property is a wise investment.

In this story, our Associate Listing Consultant Manager, Gabriel, and our Associate Listing Manager, Jessin, demonstrate the power of effective communication and thorough data analysis.

Client’s Profile

Our clients, a young couple who recently sold their condominium unit at Forest Woods, were searching for a unique property type for their next home—a freehold or 999-year leasehold landed cluster home. Fortunately, luck was on their side when they found a great opportunity: one of the most affordable landed cluster homes in Singapore, a freehold cluster home located along Springleaf Avenue. 

Seller’s Profile

The sellers of this property were a couple in their 40s who had purchased this freehold landed cluster home as an investment. The property had been rented out until the lease coincidentally ended around the same time our clients discovered it for sale.

Challenges Faced

Although our clients were fortunate to find their desired property, the journey was not without obstacles. Landed cluster homes are scarce in Singapore, making the search challenging and time-consuming. To add to the difficulty, while the property they found was one of the more affordable options, it still exceeded their budget.

Furthermore, the property sellers were quite cautious, preferring all communication related to the sale to go through their lawyer rather than directly with them. This not only complicated communication but also delayed the transaction unnecessarily. Adding to the challenge, the seller’s real estate agent was defensive in negotiations and consistently deferred to the sellers’ lawyers for any additional requests.

Factors That Made This Deal A Success

Patient and effective communication played a crucial role in sealing the deal successfully. Jessin and Gabriel skillfully navigated discussions with the seller’s lawyers and agent, ensuring that every important detail was clearly communicated between our client and the seller. This approach prevented any misunderstandings that could have led to our client overpaying for the property. To maintain clear communication, Jessin and Gabriel respected the seller’s preference for all communications to go through their lawyers first, even though it may have caused some delays and added complexity to the process.

Despite the challenges, Jessin and Gabriel remained determined and focused. They conducted thorough analysis, crunching numbers and delving into data to provide key insights. Their detailed work confirmed that our client’s chosen property was a wise decision. After reviewing the analysis presented by Jessin and Gabriel, our clients were confident in their choice and proceeded with the purchase. Adding to their success, Jessin and Gabriel negotiated a price for our client that was significantly lower than the seller’s initial asking price.

Final Thoughts

This success story exemplifies the dedication and expertise of our realtors at PropertyLimBrothers. In the dynamic world of real estate, achieving success requires more than just perseverance—it demands adept communication, strategic analysis, and unwavering commitment to our clients’ needs.

Navigating the complexities of property transactions involves a multitude of challenges, from scarce property options to cautious sellers and intricate negotiations. However, our Associate Listing Consultant Manager, Gabriel, and Associate Listing Manager, Jessin, rose to the occasion with skillful communication and diligent data analysis.

By fostering effective collaboration with stakeholders and respecting the preferences of all parties involved, Jessin and Gabriel ensured a smooth and transparent transaction process. Their meticulous approach not only prevented misunderstandings but also instilled confidence in our clients’ decision-making.

At PropertyLimBrothers, we take pride in delivering exceptional service and tailored solutions to our clients. This success story underscores our commitment to guiding clients through every step of their real estate journey, ensuring informed decisions and favourable outcomes.

If you have any lingering questions about your property journey or if you’re in need of a second opinion on market options, feel free to connect with us here. Our Inside Sales Team Consultants, with their eagerness and experience, stand ready to offer you a personalised consultation session. 

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Modern Solutions in Real Estate: Pioneering Change at PropertyLimBrothers Tue, 23 Apr 2024 07:50:20 +0000 Explore how PropertyLimBrothers revolutionizes real estate with modern solutions, exemplified by Alfred Cheong’s innovative approach, utilizing technology and creativity to surpass client expectations.Gone are the days of traditional property advertising through newspapers and billboards. In today’s dynamic world, technology dominates, allowing property listings to reach potential buyers instantly through social media platforms. However, this convenience […]

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Explore how PropertyLimBrothers revolutionizes real estate with modern solutions, exemplified by Alfred Cheong’s innovative approach, utilizing technology and creativity to surpass client expectations.Gone are the days of traditional property advertising through newspapers and billboards. In today’s dynamic world, technology dominates, allowing property listings to reach potential buyers instantly through social media platforms. However, this convenience doesn’t necessarily make the realtor’s job easier. With the abundance of online information, homebuyers are more informed and discerning than ever, exploring various options and considering financial implications.

Modern realtors must stay ahead by equipping themselves with extensive knowledge and leveraging technology effectively. At PropertyLimBrothers, we excel in this aspect. Our Associate Listing Manager, Alfred Cheong, exemplifies expertise in communication and problem-solving in this success story. By emphatically understanding the buyers’ concerns and utilising advanced tools like 3D rendering, Alfred managed to skillfully address the buyer’s apprehensions. 

Property Profile

In this success story, the spotlight shines on a 3-bedroom unit located in Daisy Suites, a boutique development with freehold tenure, boasting a mere 25 exclusive units. Our client, a single male employed as a teacher with the Ministry of Education (MOE), had seized the opportunity to purchase this unit directly from the developer at a significant discount. Being the final unit available for sale and with the developer eager to offload it, our client saw the potential for a lucrative investment. His intention was clear – to secure an asset for investment purposes. Following the acquisition, he promptly rented out the property, anticipating capital appreciation in the years ahead.

Unexpected Obstacles in Investment Ventures

At the outset, this property appeared to be a wise investment decision. With successful tenancy arrangements and the assurance of freehold ownership suggesting potential for capital growth in the long term, it seemed promising. However, upon opting to sell, our client discovered that the property had not appreciated as anticipated.

One major concern raised by potential buyers for this unit was its limited living space. Although the total area fell within the range of 1,200 to 1,300 square feet (sqft), the usable living area was only around 800 sqft. The surplus space was allocated to a sizable balcony and a private pool. While this layout may have appealed to a specific demographic, such as those seeking luxury amenities, families were put off by what they perceived as ‘wasted space’.

Dynamic Approaches: Transforming Property Perceptions

Over a span of 6 months and with over 40 viewings but no offers, Alfred revisited his strategy. He carefully analysed feedback from all viewers and devised a brilliant plan, incorporating 3D rendering to enhance the property’s presentation.

With crucial insights in hand, Alfred collaborated with an interior design vendor to create virtual staging images and renderings. He furnished the vendor with detailed information including floor plans and precise unit measurements. Identifying common dislikes among viewers who did not make offers, the interior design vendor was assigned to propose improvements and optimise the unit’s living space.

Creative Adaptations: Enhancing Property Functionality

One idea centred on the two common bedrooms, which featured high ceilings ranging from 3.2 to 3.4 metres in height. The proposal was to introduce mezzanine levels in each bedroom, thereby creating extra usable and liveable space for daily activities. Alfred effectively conveyed this concept to the prospective buyer, yet there was more to his plan.

The prospective buyer expressed a desire for more functional space for their family’s everyday activities. Recognising that the private pool was occupying valuable usable space, Alfred proposed converting it into a decked area to expand storage capacity. Additionally, he suggested transforming the pool space into an extended balcony, perfect for entertaining guests and outdoor dining. These proposals were visualised using 3D rendering, as depicted in the image above. While the image serves as an illustration, it effectively communicated the range of possibilities available.

The Outcome

Through Alfred’s diligent efforts and steadfast commitment to achieving our client’s objectives, a suitable buyer for the unit was secured. Despite having four children, the buyer was persuaded that the property was the ideal fit and made an offer. This success can be attributed to Alfred’s astute collaboration with the interior design vendor, transforming what was initially seen as a flaw in the property into a mutually beneficial solution for both our client and the eventual buyer.

Final Thoughts

In reflection, Alfred emerges as a shining example of dedication and commitment to our clients’ success. His meticulous approach, coupled with unwavering determination, underscores our ethos at PropertyLimBrothers. By meticulously gathering and analysing feedback from previous viewings, Alfred embarked on a journey to address the perceived flaws of the unit.

His innovative solution, utilising 3D rendering technology, epitomises our commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing contemporary advancements in the real estate industry. It serves as a testament to our firm belief that we are not just a conventional real estate agency but pioneers spearheading change.

Alfred’s efforts showcase our unwavering dedication to ensuring our clients’ goals are not just met but exceeded. At PropertyLimBrothers, we are partners in our clients’ journeys, utilising cutting-edge technology to turn challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality.

If you need any guidance in your property journey or if you’re in need of a second opinion on market options, feel free to connect with us here. Our Inside Sales Team Consultants, with their eagerness and experience, stand ready to offer you a personalised consultation session. 

The post Modern Solutions in Real Estate: Pioneering Change at PropertyLimBrothers appeared first on Insights by PropertyLimBrothers.

Unexpected Allure: Redefining Property Perception through Innovation and Perseverance Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:46:29 +0000 Navigating the real estate landscape can be like embarking on an unknown adventure, with each property posing its own set of challenges. In the face of these obstacles, the art of perseverance takes centre stage. This article explores a case study wherein PropertyLimBrothers’ Listing Managers, Patricia and Jeremy, demonstrates their adept handling of a substantial […]

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Navigating the real estate landscape can be like embarking on an unknown adventure, with each property posing its own set of challenges. In the face of these obstacles, the art of perseverance takes centre stage. This article explores a case study wherein PropertyLimBrothers’ Listing Managers, Patricia and Jeremy, demonstrates their adept handling of a substantial objection by employing an innovative approach driven by unwavering perseverance. 

This approach set off a ripple effect, unfolding a narrative that paved the way for the development of a new relationship founded on trust and confidence. 

Purpose of Engagement

The seller initially acquired this property for investment purposes, and had transformed it into a lucrative rental venture for a couple of years. With the unique inherent factors of the property, the sellers decided to engage PropertyLimBrothers to sell their property to facilitate a transition to another real estate investment. 

Living Space Redefined

Envision this: a property totaling 1,485 sqft, with a curve ball – a substantial portion exceeding 400 sqft dedicated to a walkway and an outdoor cabana. Unprecedented, yet precisely the situation with the property in question. The consequence? The net usable area for actual living purposes is condensed to just 1,000 sqft. Upon our listing managers’ first encounter with this property, they were not only surprised but also confronted with the task of strategising its marketability. 

However, as they embarked on this venture, they uncovered a fascinating paradox. What started as an objection – the limitation of net usable space, had transformed into an avant-garde approach to living. To elaborate, our team redefined the living space – recognising the potential to market the space as a ‘lifestyle living concept’. The walkway and the outdoor cabana, although not conventionally seen as functional living space, was positioned as a factor that enhanced the overall lifestyle experience.

Irrespective of the mentioned factor, if prospective buyers were to acquire the unit, they would be paying for the cost of the entire 1,485 sqft. This atypical distribution prompted negotiations that revolved around the calculation of price, factoring in the sizable non-internal space. 

Thankfully, due to the seller’s receptiveness to feedback and our team’s commitment to transparent communication, a consensus on the final closing price was reached. 

Drivers of the Innovative Approach: Signature Home Tour Video

The first factor that drove the innovative approach was PropertyLimBrother’s Signature Home Tour video. 

Crafted strategically to emphasise the allure of the long walkway and the outdoor cabana, the effectiveness of this became apparent as prospective buyers, impressed by the video, expressed a positive sentiment for the outdoor cabana during viewings. This played a pivotal role in presenting the property in a light that resonates positively with prospective buyers, reshaping the perception of the property. 

Drivers of the Innovative Approach: Commitment to Teamwork

Another crucial factor was the strategic choice to play tag team. Engaging in buddy deals like this one demands a profound commitment to teamwork, a quality that was exemplified by our dedicated team.

With a direct buyer, it called for Patricia and Jeremy to play the balancing game between meeting the seller’s expectations whilst effectively communicating with the buyer. To facilitate this, they made the decision to have Patricia take charge of the seller, and Jeremy, the buyer. This allowed them to put themselves in a position to communicate between both parties working in the best interest of the sellers, showcasing their collaborative spirit. This displayed our team’s ability to adapt and handle various aspects as required in the complex dynamics of a real estate transaction. 

Development of a New Relationship

Impressed by our team’s innovative approach, the buyer too gained a sense of trust and confidence. Subsequently, they too, engaged PropertyLimBrothers to handle the rental of the unit – a feat that Patricia and Jeremy accomplished in less than two months. With future plans to occupy the property, this swift rental process minimised the buyer’s downtime and facilitated a balanced approach to managing mortgage payments.

PLB’s Motto: All Properties Can Be Sold

The synergy of creative minds and steadfast perseverance unearthed the unexpected allure within this property. Patricia conveyed the transformative power of adopting a belief in their capacity to successfully market this unit. This shift in mindset went beyond influencing their own outlook – it became a resonating force, catalysing a positive change in how the property was perceived.

This empowered the duo to stay true to what PropertyLimBrothers stand for; All properties can be sold.

In conclusion, this case study accentuates the blend of PropertyLimBrothers’ expertise, creative and innovative approaches, a resolute commitment to teamwork, and perseverance – all of which culminated in the resounding success of this transaction. Ready to experience success in your property ventures? Connect with PropertyLimBrothers here! Whether you’re in need of expert assistance or simply seeking a second opinion, we are here to guide you every step of the way. 

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Client-Driven Excellence: Realising Dreams Through Prioritising The Client’s Journey Thu, 22 Feb 2024 04:26:40 +0000 At a time when client centricity is evolving into a paramount driving force in real estate, this article delves into a case study illuminating its significance.  As we explore the sales approach of Alfred, Listing Manager at PropertyLimBrothers, it will reveal a departure from the conventional wisdom of “the faster you close, the faster you […]

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At a time when client centricity is evolving into a paramount driving force in real estate, this article delves into a case study illuminating its significance. 

As we explore the sales approach of Alfred, Listing Manager at PropertyLimBrothers, it will reveal a departure from the conventional wisdom of “the faster you close, the faster you earn your commission”. Instead, Alfred’s focus on prioritising the client journey highlights the transformative power of client-driven excellence in real estate. This commitment, coupled with his dedication to acknowledging the trust placed in him, has empowered Alfred to materialise a dream come true for his client.

The Dream

A family of 4 approached PropertyLimBrothers with the intention of selling their property. Their motivation stemmed from a desire to downsize to an older HDB to direct sale proceeds towards realising a dream of theirs – to establish a Ya Kun franchise in the near future. 

Challenges & Mitigations

While the property, a 4-room corner unit that boasts unobstructed views of an open field, typically appeals to potential buyers, it raised a pertinent question – what were the future plans for the vacant plot of land? Complicating matters, the land was zoned as a residential zone. Given that the unit is situated on a low floor, any future residential construction will obstruct the unit’s scenic views, further working against the preferences of potential buyers. 

With an average of 2-3 groups viewing per weekend, Alfred effectively addressed the aforementioned challenges. He highlighted that the vacant plot of land, which has been utilised as a storage area for the past 10-15 years, is currently zoned as a residential zone but has no concrete plans in place. Additionally, the plot is situated at a considerable distance – approximately 200 to 300 metres away. 

Another concern that arose was that the positioning of the unit allowed others to be able to look into the unit from the car park opposite. This raised an issue regarding the unit’s privacy, further complicating the overall appeal of the property. 

Alfred addressed the concern by underscoring that the view from the car park is confined to a small 90-degree angle, with the visible parking spaces only accommodating 3-4 motorcycles. Emphasising a limited potential for people to linger in that small space, it helped to reduce any cause for concern. 

An Act of Commitment

The first offer came in below the asking price, accompanied by persistent concerns about the perceived lack of privacy in the unit. In line with Alfred’s commitment and respect for the established baseline set by the seller, he staunchly advocated for the sellers and, together, rejected the offer. 

Consequently, the viewing process continued. 

Mishap Turnaround: Signature Home Tour Video

During the subsequent viewing process, an unfortunate miscommunication occurred, causing the date and timing for a scheduled viewing to be mixed up. As a result, the seller, the buyer, and the buyer’s agent conducted the viewing without Alfred. Despite this, the buyer promptly presented an offer post-viewing, ultimately resulting in the successful sale of the unit. 

The triumph of the offer, even in Alfred’s absence, is attributed to our PropertyLimBrothers Signature Home Tour video. The inclusion of comprehensive details, such as floor plan analysis and financial analysis, equips potential buyers with all the necessary information. All that remains is for them to feel the physical space. This accentuates the potency of PropertyLimBrothers’ Signature Home Tour video, demonstrating its ability to comprehensively cover essential details and illustrating how this translates into the empowerment of potential buyers, enabling them to make informed decisions. 

The Dream Fulfilled

Alfred’s approach was marked by strategic efforts to attract the perfect buyer, navigating crucial decisions at a pivotal period, and a commitment to advocating for his client while keeping their journey at the core. These concerted efforts played pivotal roles in making his clients’ dreams a reality. 

As of today, the client’s Ya Kun establishment is officially opened! 

A Display of Client-Centricity

Within the realm of client-centricity, one aspect involves dedicated efforts to nurture and maintain relationships with our clients. Demonstrating this commitment, Alfred, accompanied by Adrian, co-founder of PropertyLimBrothers, visited the newly opened Ya Kun franchise in support of their client. 

Alfred further expressed a profound sense of fulfilment, emphasising the joy in helping his client channel substantial funds into the business through the success of the deal. He described the experience of witnessing his client’s journey as heartwarming and satisfying. 

PLB’s Dedication

Dialling back to Alfred’s emphasis on prioritising his client’s journey, he expressed that the key lies in understanding and recalling the seller’s motivations for wanting to sell the property.

In Alfred’s words:

“I’ll always try to remind myself why the seller approached us in the first place, because they trust us to assist in their property journey so that they can transition on to the next chapter of their life.” 

This quote is a testament that here at PropertyLimBrothers, the team is committed to demonstrating client-driven excellence. It highlights our dedication to understanding our client’s motivations and treating entrusted relationships with integrity. 

Our commitment to client-driven excellence, exemplified by Alfred’s strategic approach, has not only realised dreams but showcased the transformative power of prioritising the client’s journey in real estate success. If you require guidance for your property journey or are in need of a second opinion, do not hesitate to get in touch with us here. PropertyLimBrothers, always happy to show you the place.

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Turning Doubt into Triumph: Navigating a Leasehold Landed Sale in Singapore’s Competitive Market Thu, 25 Jan 2024 09:15:12 +0000 Land scarcity amidst a never-ending high demand for housing in Singapore has created an unparalleled allure for pure landed homes. With only an estimated 73,000 landed homes in this island nation – making up 19% of private housing stock and 4% of the total housing stock – its prestige is indisputable. Apart from the prestige […]

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Land scarcity amidst a never-ending high demand for housing in Singapore has created an unparalleled allure for pure landed homes. With only an estimated 73,000 landed homes in this island nation – making up 19% of private housing stock and 4% of the total housing stock – its prestige is indisputable. Apart from the prestige it offers, the privacy and tranquillity dwellers get to enjoy is also unmatched. This tale is one that represents expertise and deep understanding of the real estate market meshed with our steadfast dedication in marketing and positioning a property to its ultimate potential, ensuring our client’s wants and needs are met. It is a narrative that exemplifies empathy, expert knowledge, and unwavering dedication to professionalism. 

About the Listing

The property in this success story is a 99-year leasehold inter-terrace with a remaining lease of 74 years at the time of sale, nestled along Verde Crescent – a landed enclave within District 23’s Chao Chu Kang estate. 

This 3-storey unit had undergone $400,000 worth of renovations, resulting in a harmonious blend of style and functionality. The expansive living space had been thoughtfully crafted to foster family interactions, featuring an open concept that connects the living room to the dining area, subtly demarcated by small steps. The entire stretch from the living room to the dining area had been adorned with beige marble flooring, complemented by a tasteful combination of earthy tones and modern blue hues in the open kitchen. On the second and third floors, the four bedrooms were distinguished by the elegance of herringbone parquet flooring.

The owner sought the expertise of PLB to sell their home as they had to travel all the way to the East of Singapore frequently due to work obligations, posing an inconvenience to their daily routine. 

A ‘Perfect” Match 

Among the prospective viewers, this property particularly caught the eye of a couple with three young children. Having sold their previous home, they found themselves in a temporary living situation with their in-laws, in a single apartment. This arrangement, albeit less than ideal, meant the couple and their young children had to make do with a cramped single bedroom for bedtime. Needless to say, the grandeur and spacious layout offered by this listing aligned with the dynamics and requirements of their family, making it an ideal match.

Assuaging Buyer’s Apprehension

Despite being drawn to the property’s inherent characteristics and the allure of space for their growing children, they had one concern – it was a leasehold property. This concern is commonplace, especially among astute buyers of landed properties. Leasehold tenures, more often than not, becomes a decisive factor for this particular group.

At this pivotal moment, our seasoned real estate experts, Jesley and Gavin, skillfully allayed their concerns by demonstrating genuine empathy. Drawing upon their extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the real estate market, they presented poignant facts that not only informed but also reassured.

They emphasised that in land-scarce Singapore, homes of such generous proportions are truly rare gems, especially considering the trend of condominiums being launched with smaller unit sizes. Furthermore, they delved expertly into the property’s pricing dynamics, underscoring that the asking price was notably lower in terms of overall quantum compared to its freehold counterparts within the area. This presented a unique opportunity for the buyer to allocate the cost difference towards other income-generating assets, all while relishing the luxury of residing in a spacious landed home.

Adding to the allure, the seller graciously agreed to leave all furnishings behind, potentially resulting in substantial savings for the buyer in terms of furniture expenses.

Fulfilling Dreams: A Satisfied Seller and a Buyer’s Perfect Ending

The buyer’s initial apprehensions were expertly addressed, and it is through the profound understanding of real estate coupled with genuine consideration for both the buyer’s and the seller’s requirements that this exquisite three-story inter-terrace found its new owner. 

The Realtors: Jesley and Gavin

For our committed realtors in this story, Jesley and Gavin, their ultimate goal in each and every transaction is to furnish clients with unbiased opinions and thorough analyses of selected properties. Their unwavering commitment lies in ensuring that clients not only find the optimal property but also receive comprehensive insights tailored to their financial considerations, long-term goals, and lifestyle preferences.

Final Thoughts

The successful sale of this exquisite Villa Verde inter-terrace serves as a shining example of our unwavering commitment to real estate with integrity. In this case study, our dedicated realtors embody our core belief that every transaction involves more than just property; it involves a home, and behind each home is a family.

We recognize that every family has distinct needs and aspirations. Our central focus is not just on completing transactions but on ensuring the happiness of each family and the fulfilment of their unique aspirations.

If you have any lingering questions about your property journey or if you’re in need of a second opinion on market options, feel free to connect with us here. Our Inside Sales Team Consultants, with their eagerness and experience, stand ready to offer you a personalised consultation session. 

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3D Architectural Visualisation: PLB’s Game-Changer in Home Tour Videos Tue, 23 Jan 2024 07:32:19 +0000 In the world of real estate in Singapore, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. At PropertyLimBrothers, this axiom is brought to life through the innovative use of 3D Architectural Visualisation Technology in home tours, setting a new benchmark in the property market. 3D Architectural Visualisation is more than […]

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In the world of real estate in Singapore, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. At PropertyLimBrothers, this axiom is brought to life through the innovative use of 3D Architectural Visualisation Technology in home tours, setting a new benchmark in the property market.

3D Architectural Visualisation is more than just a fancy term in the property lexicon. It’s a transformative tool that turns blueprints and plans into lifelike, three-dimensional spaces. This technology allows potential buyers to not only see but virtually experience properties even before they are built.

For us, this technology is not just an add-on but a core component of our unique selling proposition. By creating digital replicas of homes, we are not merely selling properties; we are selling dreams – dreams that are vivid, tangible, and, most importantly, achievable.

Expanding the Viewing Horizon: Seeing the Unseen

At PropertyLimBrothers, the old adage ‘seeing is believing’ is redefined through the lens of advanced technology. In a traditional property market, where physical viewings are the norm, PLB stands out by leveraging a team of adept 3D experts. This team transforms the conventional viewing experience, enabling buyers to fully appreciate the potential of a property, far beyond what conventional viewings permit.

Utilising a fusion of 3D Architectural Visualisation, Visual Effects, and Motion Graphics, we weave a compelling narrative for each property. This narrative transcends the mere presentation of spaces; it delves into the realm of possibilities that these spaces can offer. It’s about envisioning a future home in its fullest potential, a home that resonates with the aspirations and dreams of prospective homeowners.

Our use of 3D visual effects also goes beyond standard visualisation. It opens up a new dimension in property viewing by allowing buyers to envision alternate uses for different spaces within a property. This innovative approach is crucial as it provides a clearer perspective on the suitability of a home, tailored to the specific needs and lifestyles of the buyers.

Such visual flexibility is invaluable, especially in today’s diverse and dynamic real estate market. Buyers are not just looking for a space to inhabit; they are seeking a space that adapts to their unique lifestyle, aspirations, and future plans. By tapping on 3D Architectural Visualisation, we enable this vision, providing a glimpse into how a property can evolve and adapt to meet the changing needs of its occupants.

The Art of Storytelling: Motion Graphics in 3D Visuals

The integration of motion graphics into 3D visuals is a strategic move that accomplishes two vital objectives. First, it significantly enhances the aesthetic value of the virtual tours, making them not just informative but also visually engaging and memorable. The second, and perhaps more crucial aspect, is the maintenance of narrative momentum. This storytelling approach in the virtual tours ensures a smooth, uninterrupted journey through the property, providing viewers with a coherent, immersive experience.

By adopting this method, we infuse life into each home we showcase. This strategy enables buyers to engage in a more profound exploration of possibilities, something that static images or physical tours cannot match. It’s about creating a visual and emotional connection with the property, allowing buyers to dream and plan their future in these spaces.

Effortless Exploration: The Edge of Home Tour Videos

PLB’s Signature Home Tour videos epitomise the pinnacle of convenience and informed decision-making in the real estate domain. These videos offer prospective buyers the luxury of embarking on a detailed virtual tour from anywhere, at any time, directly on their personal devices. This level of convenience transcends mere time-saving; it empowers buyers to make well-informed decisions.

Accompanied by detailed analyses, these tours provide comprehensive insights into each property. This approach ensures that every aspect of the property is clearly understood, allowing buyers to make confident and informed decisions. It’s not just about showcasing properties; it’s about providing a full-fledged, immersive experience that guides buyers towards making a wise investment.

Building Trust in Uncertainty: Minimising Risks with 3D Architectural Visualisation

In a property market fraught with uncertainties, our strategic use of 3D architectural visualisation plays a pivotal role in reducing buyer risk. Offering comprehensive views of potential future homes, even those in the construction phase, allows us to deliver buyer assurance. This level of detail and foresight in property presentation is highly appreciated in the industry, as it significantly lowers the risk factor associated with property investments.

This approach not only fosters confidence among buyers but also solidifies our position as a trailblazer in the real estate sector. By providing such in-depth and accurate representations of properties, we aim not only to assure buyers of the quality and potential of their investments but also to continue pushing the envelope of innovative real estate marketing.

A Case in Point: The Success Story

Our expertise in 3D architectural visualisation shone brightly in a recent case, offering a compelling testament to the power and efficacy of our innovative approach in the realm of real estate. Faced with the challenge of marketing and selling an empty plot of land, we showcased our prowess by employing advanced 3D architectural modelling techniques to bring a vision to life. This project was not just about constructing a building; it was about creating a vision of what could be, transforming an unremarkable plot of land into a captivating virtual masterpiece.

In this endeavour, we went beyond the usual boundaries of architectural modelling. We meticulously crafted a virtual home, complete with intricate details and realistic representations. This virtual creation was not just a structure; it was a potential home brimming with possibilities. The 3D model intricately displayed the home’s layout, design, and potential, making it easy for buyers to connect emotionally and visually with the property.

Moreover, our virtual model did more than just showcase a home; it highlighted the exceptional location of the land. By integrating the surrounding landscape and environment into the 3D model, we offered a holistic view of what life could be like at this location. This immersive experience allowed buyers to appreciate not only the home itself but also the lifestyle and environment it offered.

The impact of this approach was profound. Buyers were not just viewing a digital representation; they were experiencing a future home in its entirety. This comprehensive and immersive presentation helped potential buyers envision themselves in the space, leading to a deeper connection and interest in the property. The ability to visualise the full potential of the land and the proposed home played a crucial role in igniting the imaginations of prospective buyers.

The culmination of this innovative approach was a resounding success. Within a short six months, the property was successfully sold, a remarkable achievement in any market. This success story is a vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of our 3D architectural visualisation technology. It underscores our ability not only to present properties in their best light but also to inspire and captivate the imagination of buyers.

This success story serves as a beacon, illuminating the path forward for the real estate industry. It exemplifies how cutting-edge technology, when applied with skill and creativity, can transform the mundane into the extraordinary. Our triumph with this project is not just a victory; it is a showcase of the boundless possibilities that innovative 3D architectural visualisation holds for the future of real estate marketing.

A Leap into the Future of Real Estate

In conclusion, our adoption of 3D Architectural Visualisation Technology in home tours is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift in the real estate industry. By enabling buyers to see, experience, and connect with properties in a way that was previously unimaginable, we are not just selling homes; we are shaping dreams into realities.

This innovative approach does not just benefit buyers; it revolutionises the way properties are marketed, offering a glimpse into the future of real estate. In this future, PLB stands for innovation, competence, and reliability, guiding both buyers and sellers to successful outcomes.

For those looking to navigate the complex world of property transactions, our expertise in 3D architectural visualisation offers a clear path forward. It’s an invitation to experience the future of real estate today, a future where every detail is crafted to perfection, and every dream is within reach. Contact us here and experience the magic!

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Revolutionising Real Estate: PLB’s Approach to Designing Standout Home Tours Customised for Every Home Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:33:45 +0000 In every season of the Singapore residential property market, homeowners often ask a common question: How can I sell my house for the highest price and in the shortest time possible? Central to this important question is to explore how you can distinguish your home from your competition, in other words, other homes that are […]

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In every season of the Singapore residential property market, homeowners often ask a common question: How can I sell my house for the highest price and in the shortest time possible?

Central to this important question is to explore how you can distinguish your home from your competition, in other words, other homes that are up for sale at the very moment. It’s essential to recognise that, irrespective of the property type—a HDB flat, condominium, or landed home—each residence is unique, and no two homes are identical.

Today, we will delve into how leveraging on our Signature Home Tour videos to uniquely position each home, highlighting its key Unique Selling Points (USPs), can capture the attention of serious buyers.

We first prep the home

Before our professional in-house media team even begins to shoot at the unit, thorough preparation of the home is essential.

We go to great lengths to present each home in its optimal condition before it enters the market. This involves collaborative efforts with our homeowners, including decluttering following our in-house Decluttering Guide, performing touch-up paint works as required, and considering accessories staging or full-unit staging for vacant homes.

This initial step is crucial in capturing the attention of potential buyers amidst the multitude of listings. 

A cluttered home can divert buyers’ attention away from the home’s potential. Feedback from our buyers indicates that a home resembling a show-flat has a positive impact, making them more inclined to spend additional time in the unit and better envision themselves living there.

We do the homework for the buyer

Once the home is prepared and ready for shooting, with storyboarding and home tour script completed, our in-house professional photographers and videographers, accompanied by a dedicated presenter, will proceed to the unit for the shoot.

PLB’s median Home Tour video duration typically ranges from 13 to 14 minutes. If you’ve ever watched one of our Signature Home Tour videos, you’ll observe that our presentation is balanced, with 50% dedicated to the interior and 50% to analysis.

In our Signature Home Tour videos, the interior walk-through places significant emphasis on the explaining the existing renovations, delving into the homeowner’s thought process behind the renovation work and right down to certain specifications of materials used and costs involved. For properties that, based on our analysis, may benefit from some renovations, we not only discuss renovation ideas but also provide renderings and utilise 3D Architectural Visualisation techniques to showcase the potential of the various spaces.

All these efforts are geared towards ensuring that buyers can envision the unit’s potential or understand how they can adopt the existing renovations to suit their family’s needs and lifestyle.

The other 50%, which is dedicated to in-depth analysis, involves an extensive storyboarding process. This includes thorough research on the specific unit, its development (if applicable), surrounding competition, and any upcoming transformations in the vicinity. Even within the same development, each unit is different in terms of layout, facing, floor level, and renovation. For condominiums, our site plan analysis identifies the unique features of the particular unit, highlighting any rarity factors—for example, being the only stack in the entire development that enjoys an unblocked sea view. 

Analysing surrounding transformations is also crucial for consideration of the exit plan for potential buyers to anchor their decisions. We provide in-depth analysis of significant URA Master Plan developments, government land sales and thereby projecting future launch prices, offering insights into what these mean for homebuyers.

These analyses provide insights that photos on listing portals may not convey.

Our Home Tour videos also delve into the numbers, comparing prices of similar properties in the vicinity so that buyers don’t have to. Our team does the necessary research that every buyer would typically need to undertake, ensuring that thorough comparisons have already been made. This approach is designed to eliminate any doubts that buyers may have and allows them to make informed decisions.

We invest in continuous enhancement of our Home Tour videos

Our media team comprises not only videographers and video editors but also brand marketing and social media analysts. They are continuously exploring ways to enhance our Signature Home Tour videos, aiming not only for a broader reach but also to attract the right viewers and potential buyers. This involves an ongoing effort to innovate and make our home tour videos more engaging, informative, and of high-quality content.

This entails meticulous attention to detail, including the selection and upgrading of our camera equipment.

Most recently in 2023, we have adopted a new tech tool, 3D Architectural Visualisation. 

Previously, discussions about potential home renovation or rebuild ideas relied on explanations provided at the physical unit during viewings. 

However, with 3D Architectural Visualisation, we can now convey multiple stories in a single location through our Home Tours. This enables potential buyers to virtually view the property 24/7 from the comfort of their own homes. When these buyers eventually visit the property for a physical viewing, they will have already completed their “first viewing,” resulting in a more qualified pool of viewers.

Consider this unit, where we effectively showcased how you can transform the empty living space into a 5 sqm loft with a stairway, a couch, a TV console, and a game station—all within a span of 20 seconds.

To modernise homes and cater to the current buyer’s preferences, especially for properties requiring extensive renovations, 3D Architectural Visualisation assists by presenting suggestions for renovation ideas. This not only helps potential buyers envision the potential of the unit but also caters to the preferences of the current generation of buyers.

Closing Thoughts

At PLB, we take immense pride in our Home Tour videos, recognising them as a key tool to help homeowners distinguish their units from the multitude of other listings in the market. Our commitment spans meticulous preparation of the home, crafting compelling storylines, conducting in-depth research for pricing, location, and site plan analyses, and filming with multiple rounds of vetting to ensure top-quality production and accuracy in our content. We believe in marketing every home to its fullest potential. 

More than just a virtual tour of the homes, these videos tell a story—a unique narrative that every home deserves. For sellers aiming to distinguish their homes, convey their story, and command a premium price with our in-depth analyses, our home tours serve as a crucial tool. If you are interested in finding out how we can craft a unique Home Tour for your property, contact us here today. Till next time!

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Mastering the Art of Home Tours: An Insider look at PLB’s Process for Crafting Home Tours Fri, 12 Jan 2024 08:52:41 +0000 Welcome to the world of PropertyLimBrothers’ signature home tour videos, where every frame is a brushstroke in a masterpiece of real estate artistry. In a market saturated with standard property listings, PLB stands out by crafting home tours that do more than just show; they tell a story, evoke emotions, and create a connection. Each […]

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Welcome to the world of PropertyLimBrothers’ signature home tour videos, where every frame is a brushstroke in a masterpiece of real estate artistry. In a market saturated with standard property listings, PLB stands out by crafting home tours that do more than just show; they tell a story, evoke emotions, and create a connection. Each step in our video creation process is meticulously planned and executed with precision, ensuring that every aspect of a property is showcased to its fullest potential. From understanding the unique character of each home to employing cutting-edge filming techniques, our approach is both an art and a science. 

In this article, we take you behind the scenes of our home tour videos, revealing why each step in our process is crucial in transforming a property listing into an engaging narrative that captivates potential buyers and sets the stage for a successful sale.

1. Research

Every home tour video first starts with the research phase, where our team will get to know the property and find out all of its challenges and plus points. Each property is unique and comes with its own set of pros and cons, which is why it is crucial for us to showcase the best facets of the property and highlight potential concerns in order to address and solve them for our potential buyers. 

The next part of the research process is to do an in-depth location and pricing analysis. This can be very time-consuming for consultants that are just starting out, but it gets easier with practice. In our location and pricing analysis, we look at the growth potential of the area using the URA Master Plan, on top of a series of tools that we have developed over the years. This includes our MOAT Analysis, Trifecta, Disparity Effect, as well as the Prime Hexagon. Further research is done on factors affecting landed properties such as road line plans, landed home zoning and rebuilding concerns with our architect partners. 

And of course, all these will be consolidated into a structured and comprehensive home tour script for the presenter to use for the actual home tour shoot.

2. Preparations

Typically when an exclusive has been secured, our team will head down to the property for another round of site visit to assess what is needed for the prep work. The team would then come up with a proposal of what needs to be done, and once the owners have approved it, we will proceed with the necessary prep work.

3. Scheduling

When we talk about prep work, it is all about staging the property to show it in the best possible light. This can include, but not limited to, getting a fresh coat of paint and working with our staging partners to bring in extra furniture and create a “show flat effect”. If the unit is owner-occupied, we would usually advise the owners to do some decluttering as well.

4. Shoot Preparations

The next step is to book a shoot date. This would include booking drone shots (if necessary), virtual tour, videographers and photographer, and presenter. All these are scheduled in conjunction with the owners’ availability, especially if the unit is owner-occupied or tenanted. 

5. Shoot Day

Before the shoot day, the team will prep and pack all the equipment needed for the shoot, making sure that all the necessary devices are fully charged and ready to go.  

On shoot day, the team arrives at the property with all the equipment and will start with setting up the camera gear, lighting, and any additional equipment needed for the shoot. This includes tripods, microphones, and sometimes drones for aerial shots.

Before filming, the team would typically do a walkthrough of the property. This helps the videographers plan the shoot, identifying key features and areas to highlight. They will often discuss with the listing manager about any specific aspects they want to emphasise.

The filming process is quite dynamic, involving a combination of static shots, walk-and-talk segments, and detailed close-ups. We have also explored doing vlog-style home tour videos. The presenters guide viewers through the property, highlighting its features, potential, and unique selling points. They also discuss the neighbourhood, accessibility, and other relevant information and analysis.

If the property’s exterior and surroundings are a significant selling point, the team may use drone footage to capture aerial views, showcasing the locale and the property’s placement within it.

6. Post Production

Back in the office, the editor in charge of the specific home tour video will go through the footage and sieve out the usable footage from the NG shots (some of which you may find in the blooper reels at the end of the home tour).  

7. First Cut

The next step would be to put together a first cut, which includes removing the presenters’ stutters and filler words to make them sound as smooth as possible. This process can take up to two days depending on the property and the length of the entire presentation. It is also one of the most crucial steps in the whole editing process as it sets the tone for the entire home tour video.

8. B-rolls & Music

Once the first cut is ready, it is time to insert B-rolls and music. For the uninitiated, B-rolls refer to supplemental video footage that intercut with the main shots. In our home tour videos, these can come in the form of an aerial shot of the property or estate, aesthetic shots of the interior spaces, or any particular furniture or feature that the presenter has mentioned. We also include B-roll breaks to keep our viewers engaged with extra visuals that contribute to the narrative. 

Music is another important element that adds to the entire mood and feel of the video. It is crucial for us to pick a track that suits the theme of the video, which is why it can take up to half a day to find the perfect track for a video.

9. Motion Graphics & 3D Architectural Visualisation

At this stage, our motion graphics team will come in to animate certain parts like the maps of our location analysis or visuals for the financial analysis. These parts of the video would typically feel a bit draggy if there is no visual representation for reference, which is why good motion graphics can really elevate the entire video. Our motion graphics specialists are constantly pushing the limit of their creativity, finding new ways and styles to present their graphics.

At PLB, we continuously innovate new ways to bring value to our clients. One recent upgrade in our home tour videos is the use of 3D architectural visualisation which allows viewers to reimagine the space and envision new possibilities or inspirations that they might not have thought of. 

10. Subtitles

Subtitling is also an important step to ensure that our viewers have a pleasant viewing experience. Although not all prefer having subtitles in a video, having it makes the video more inclusive and accessible for viewers. Some of our videos are also translated and subtitled in Mandarin to expose the property listing to a larger group of demographics.

All subtitles go through our in-house copywriter for vetting of grammatical errors and accuracy before the video is launched.  

11. Colour Correction & Colour Grading

When we shoot our home tour videos, the lighting might not always be the best on site. The raw video footage could often turn out to be yellowish and underexposed, which is why it is important to do colour correction and grading during post production. This allows us to apply a consistent look and feel throughout the whole home tour video.    

12. Final Checks

Once the video is ready to be vetted, our Art Director will do the final checks on all aspects of the video including the theme, overall flow of shots, and colour grading. And the end (of this project) is in sight!  

13. Launch

The final step to the whole production is the launching of the video on our YouTube channel, including the video description, time stamps, and tags. And there you have it! The end of our 13-step end-to-end video production walkthrough.

Closing Thoughts

PLB’s Signature Home Tour Videos are crafted in a meticulous and strategic process that significantly enhances the appeal and visibility of properties in today’s competitive real estate market. Each step, from careful planning and scripting to professional filming and engaging storytelling, is designed to showcase the property’s unique features and potential. 

By focusing on the details that matter to prospective buyers, these videos provide a comprehensive and immersive experience, setting the stage for a successful sale. The commitment to quality and creativity in these tours not only positions the property in the best possible light but also reflects the dedication of our team to excellence in real estate marketing. 

As the digital era continues to evolve, our home tour videos remain a vital tool in connecting properties with the right buyers, demonstrating the power of well-crafted visual storytelling in the real estate industry.

If you’re looking to sell your property and want it to stand out in the market, do get in touch with us here. Our team is committed to transforming your property’s presentation into an engaging and captivating experience that resonates with potential buyers. Contact us today and let us help you showcase your property in its best light, ensuring it receives the attention and appreciation it deserves!

The post Mastering the Art of Home Tours: An Insider look at PLB’s Process for Crafting Home Tours appeared first on Insights by PropertyLimBrothers.
